viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

To one of my followers

Today I received nice information, I have a follower… Yuppie!!! (She is the mother of one of my friends) The post is dedicated for her, because I have decided to finish the blog when I had come back from Australia. But, since I have followers I must kept them happy. I post a picture from the commercial center but I must tell you that almost all stores are Chinese. The only thing I bought was a swimming suit.

2 comentarios:

  1. Gracias Krasmir. He leido todos los diss eñ blog y asi he podido seguir vuestras aventuras en Australia y ver todo lo que habeis disfrutado. Espero que sigas escribiendo.

  2. Muchas gracias Ana, pero ahora tengo un problema porque si quieres saber nuestras aventuras en Japon, tengo que cambiar de blog ya que este se llama "me voy para Australia"....
